Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Recapping 2009 and looking toward 2010
A lot of the chaos in 2009 was because of my unhealthy pregnancy and the problems I had at work. I spent a lot of time working on how to releive my stress enough that I would no longer have blood pressure problems and was not successful. I spent a lot of time resting, which is fine- I need to draw from that resting time now.
I have some goals I've been carrying over from year to year and I no longer want to do that. In 2010 I will:
1) Make some progress on the clothing line. I will have samples made that I can work out in. I will have three meetings with potential investors/sales. The clothes will be for sale in 2011.
2) I will exhibit my photos. Even if that exhibit is just hanging them all around our house and having friends over. I will exhibit them.
3) I will complete The Book of Ruth by June 1, 2010.
4) I will complete The Pilates Lifestyle by April 1, 2010.
5) I will write every day.
I will now combine my goals (I have them in 3 places) and make a pretty piece showing all of them so that I can set monthly goals to work towards.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thoughts for 2010
1) Sell photos and jewelry at at least one craft show/arts fair/farmer's market
2) Set up etsy store for photos and jewelry
3) Create more photo galleries in my house like the one in my room
4) One artist date per month
5) Do morning pages every day
*******Yes, I know this is a lofty goal- doing anything every day short of brushing my teeth is a lofty goal, but it is who I want to be--an artist, an author. This I will do for myself.***********
6) Sell one article a month FOR MONEY beginning in June. Which means I have to start the submissions process now.
7) Take (as in, read) the free online writing courses I've found
8) Do one COMPLETE writing project a month. What I mean by COMPLETE: begin and end a piece of writing ala NANO. The editing can come later.
Friday, December 11, 2009
I don't cry anymore
I want to, my heart aches with the same intesity
But my eyes stay dry
My jaw set so hard that it hurts
I don't cry anymore
I want to scream, kick, stamp and throw
But I sit quiety and pretend to be happy
Looking at others- do you think they know?
I don't cry anymore
Betrayl feels old hat
Instead I curl up on my bed
When I sleep I can shut it all out
I don't cry anymore
And I don't feel anymore hope
I'm not surprised enough to be hurt
It is what it is, this is where I'm at
Monday, December 7, 2009
Quest for a bag
Amanda Moon
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Perfect Evening
I did close my eyes to try to get a clearer view to describe one of my charecters and fell asleep though. Off to bed now.
Friday, November 13, 2009
I've been away for a while now
But I'm back. I want to be able to share the beauty and encouragement I receive, and I want to share this journey of healing. Because we have to heal, everything has to get better eventually, it can't stay like this forever.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Series Ideas
Friday Fitness- tip or idea
Sunday Son-day (this play on words is almost too lame, but it would be a theme verse for the upcoming week)
My daily goals
1) Make a working list of the Pilates Principles
2) Go for a walk (guess I should have worn different shoes...I can go with the kids when I get home).
3) Look at 2 more master's programs.
4) Fix my prodcut links on the Pilates and Pregnancy Product Reviews. (If you read them and have other suggestions, let me know!)
5) Set up google analytics
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Thank Yous
I guess I should clarify- I am all about please and thank you. I say them both way too much to the point that my boss has taken to coaching me not to say please so much because it makes people think they have an option when really they don't. I kind of disagree with that premise, I think adding a please can go a long way in softening an "order" but whatever, it's not worth arguing over. What I'm over is giving special recognition to people for doing the basic tenants of the job you have hired and paid them for. I think that recognition should be reserved for special circumstanses- when they have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Some feel that giving special recogognition for the small things will acutally motivate people to do more, but in my experience it has the opposite effect. It seems that many people, when they receive special recognition, think they have already done something special and that they should continue to work at that level. They seem to forget that what they did is their job, so they wait for special instructions to do the same thing again.
This is all very abstract, so let me give you an example: if you are a content writer for a website, it is your job to write the content. It is the website's job to make sure their relationsship with major search engines is such that people can search for and find your writing. You don't get a pat on the back each day that you post an article, the website techs shouldn't get a pat on the back when they correct a problem that was causing your articles to be in impossible to search. But because they got one, the next time there is a problem, rather than buckling down and quickly fixing it, they remember that the last time there was a problem they got special recognitio for finding a solution, so therefore working on it must be outside the scope of their day-to-day work and it is placed on the back burner.
Another example is if part of your job is to scan documents into a database. Your supervisor has discussed this with you, but you don't like this particular aspect of your job, so you put it off and put it off, until the person who needs to retrieve the documents from the database asks your supervisor about it. So, you spend some time that day scanning the documents that have been waiting for weeks to be scanned. You shouldn't receive special recognition for the getting them all done in one day or hour or whatever it was, you should be reprimanded for not doing your job in a timely manner and having to be asked mutliple times like a child.
Nobody ever thanks me for cleaning out my inbox every day, or administering my programs to the best of my ability, and I don't expect them to. It's my job. I get recognized for doing that job on the 15th and 30th of each month when I get my paycheck.
I'm just saying...our efforts to be polite and encouraging are biting us in the ass.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Noticer Review
The Noticer is okay. It's not bad, it's not amazingly good. At times it feels like a series of short stories around the the theme of "Jones" rather than a cohesive book about a certain period in Andy's life. The end of the first chapter launches into a resume of Andy's accomplishments in such a way that the book feels like it's becoming a self-help guide. Later, a large portion of that first chapter is repeated, and not even in theme, but word for word, which gets to be a bit much.
The book seems like it was made to be used as a discussion guide for a Bible study which makes the story feel forced, like there were certain themes that the author knew he wanted to include. If you're using it as a discussion guide, you will be pleased. If you're trying to just read it on your own, you may not feel compelled to finish it.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Thankful list
A job that pays well
A husband that, when he tries, is the kindess, most thoughtful person I've ever met
My kids
The opportunities I've found and been given to write
Amanda Moon
Monday, October 5, 2009
Strong Life Review: Ah ha!
The concepts laid out in this book fly in the face of conventional wisdom, but as Buckingham develops them with numerous examples from both research and real life, you have that “Ah ha!” moment. As a mother of 2, with a full time job to pay the bills and a part time job that I love, I have had a constant struggle to find balance between doing what I love, spending time with my family, and being fully present at work. No matter what I do it doesn’t seem to work (and I have an incredibly supportive husband.) Then I read Buckinham’s explanation of balance and why it is an unfulfilling goal. Ah-ha! In order to balance, the scale must be perfectly still. There can be no movement from balance- once you achieve it you’re stuck.
This is just one of the numerous “Ah ha!” moments I had while reading this book. I dog-eared pages, I marked the parts I wanted my husband to read. The advice is real, actionable and practical. In fact, the final portion of the book is a sort of “FAQs of a Strong Life”- you’ve gained all of this amazing insight into yourself, your work, your family- here’s how to implement it.
Highly recommended. It’s written in a conversational style that I could have breezed right through, but it resonated in a way that made me constantly put it down and think about what I had just read and how it applied.
Friday, September 25, 2009
I'm thankful
1) My amazing children
2) My cute puppy, whose fleas we can't seem to get rid of, but who is still happy to see me every day.
3) My friends- I don't feel like I have a lot of close friends, but the ones I have are amazing- whether it's letting me cry on the phone or coming over in the middle of the night to take care of my kids while I'm at the hospital- I am so thankful.
4) My family
5) My in-laws
6) I'm not sick anymore
7) My creativity and the opportunity to express it thru this blog and my other sites.
8) My iPhone that let's me type this even tho I'm not at my computer
9) My bed- it is one of the most comfortable places in the universe
10) Podcasts- free and inspiring. What more can I say.
Have a good weekend- look for things to be thankful for and it can really change your attitude no matter the situation. It won't fix the problems or make them go away, but thankfulness can remind you how strong you are and how you can get thru it.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Creative Blog Inspirations
My book will be published by December 3, 2011. Wow- that's coming up quick. I need to get writing!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Goals for the Day
1) Do more research on online masters programs
2) Either walk or ride bike for 45 minutes
3) Figure out how to keep Austin awake all afternoon- it worked all weekend, why can't he sleep during the week when we work????
Pilates 101: The Cadillac
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Blog Addiction
Monday, September 14, 2009
Monday Goals
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Book Review: The Knockout Entrepreneur by George Foreman w/ Ken Abraham
The Knockout Entrepreneur is told through a series of analogies from George Foreman’s business and boxing experience. You can skip all of the stories, though, and read just the “Knockout Ideas to Stimulate Your Success” at the end of each chapter to get the gist of the book.
While the analogies are often entertaining, they aren’t often incredibly relevant or inspiring. There is little organization or flow to the order of the stories, and many seem like they have been included in the wrong chapter. Some of the analogies- such as his statement that your accountant is akin to a technician in the boxing ring (the man who scouts the competition for you and helps you strategically fight) are downright wrong. Yes, an accountant can help you make strategic decisions, but I’ve yet to meet one who is a scout.
George does to an excellent job encouraging integrity and honesty in all business an personal situations. However, it appears that George has built his business entirely on the success of endorsement deals and he has never been involved in the inception of development of a product or idea. This begs the question: What makes him an expert I should listen to? There are better business books on the market which follow the same ethical standards.
Book Preview:
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Goals for the Day
Friday, September 11, 2009
Evening Check In
Make meal plan for next week: Sort of- have decided to try Super Suppers for next week's meals, actually, in order to use my coupon I essentially have to buy enough for 1/2 a month.
Hug Chris- Did it!
Goals for the Day
Clean House
Make meal plan for next week
Hug Chris
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Goals for September 10
2) Create a plan for creative time a few days a week
3) Go for a walk.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Goals for the day
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Goals for the day
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The last week
Amanda Moon
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
No work allowed
Monday, July 6, 2009
A wasted night?
Monday, June 29, 2009
Mist people actually say she looks the moat likeme, and I agree that her features resemble my baby pictures most than his. But I don't thunk she loos like me now.
First of all, I don't think I'm beautiful. Even wijiutnall of this pregnancy weight, and left over post pregnancy weight (yes, it's possible to have both at the same time) I've never thought o myself as beautiful. It isn't because people never told me I was, because they did, it's just that my two best friends were (are) supermodel beautiful and I was told how pretty they were a lot. By guys I had been hoping to date.
But she's here, half me, and absolutely georgeous. One thing she definately got from me is her laugh. Her daddy doesn't laugh outnloud much, it is one of my hobbies. Hyperventalating belly laughing. She does that too.
Her litle broter is growing inside if me right now, building up strength for the day very soon when he will be born. This pregnancy has been a lot harder in sOme ways, alot easier in others. It's hard now, hard not to worry about what is happening to my body, about what the consequenses might be if he is born too soon. Part of me wants to protect him by refusing, not matter what the dr says, to have him before I eiher begin labor naturally or hit 37 weeks. But the other part of me wants to be sure I'm here and healthy enough to watch him grow up. I'm not sure which is more selfish- I couldn't live with myself if he has some horrible health problems because he's premature, but I'm not much help sick or worse.
Amanda Moon
Sunday, June 28, 2009
What to write
Changing names and places doesn't work for me. And the circumstances are the starting point. I don't think my life story is all that unique, so I know that what I'm writing about other people can relate to, but really...I don't want to write a memoir or auto biography. Or do I?
Reading about Writing
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
You've Got a Story
I've got a story to tell. It's burning inside of me, itching to get out. I don't know what it is yet though. I don't know if it has roots in my life story, or if it is something completely different, with different characters than I've ever known. But I've got a story to tell and I need to get it out.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Writing Time?
I starting reading Julia Cameron's book something about Paper...I can't remember the name right now- Sound of Paper maybe? last night. I was just trying it out- I got it from the library to see if I wanted to buy it, but I got kind of into it. I'm trying to keep myself from starting anything new right now though, so I kind of made myself quit. I don't know if that was a good idea or not, but between the two jobs and the almost 2 kids, I have enough on my plate. I don't like starting things I can't commit to, it makes me feel like I'm failing when I can't complete it. I am excited to dive into it after the baby is born though- the way it's broken up will work really good for my schedule- it seems like for each section you really only need 15-20 min, which is often all that I have.
Lily used to go to sleep so well on her own, now she lays and plays with her feet and just generally won't stay in her room. I don't know how I feel about putting a lock on the outside of her door, even though I've been told that's what works.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Baby Weight
Me, I gained more than 50lbs with my first child, and only lost about 25 of that with the birth and everything going back to normal. Then my pediatrician's nurse made me feel like I wasn't producing enough milk because my baby wasn't growing quickly enough her first week, so I ate more often and ended up gaining another 10 lbs. Then I had ankle surgery (yes, with a 6 week old new born) which put me on crutches for 6 weeks and in boot for 4 more. The weight was definately not falling off.
I don't think I did too badly while I was pregnant. Yes, there were often times when I would eat more than was neccissary, but it wasn't out of control. I wasn't one of those people who constantly said "I'm eating for two" to justify what she was putting into her mouth. A lot of my now-at-pre-pregnancy size friends were those people, and somehow, they are just as small as they were before the baby. I, on the other hand, am not.
My weight has always been an adventure, if that's the right word. I weighed 150 lbs in 5th grade. The reason I remember this is because I severly sprained my ankle that summer (it was actually probobly broken, but we didn't learn that until I was 18) and we were living in our camper while our house was being built. My dad realized he couldn't pick me up anymore and asked me what I weighed, and determined it was no longer safe for me to be on the top bunk.
When I graduated from high school I think I was around 180. I topped 200 during my freshman year of college when I hit the two hundred teens, but I lost 20 lbs during Christmas break by reading some book and journaling my food. My weight stayed pretty steady then for a while, hovering somewhere in the 190 range until I got married.
Not sure what happened then...wait...yes I am. My now- husband and I spent most of our dates going out to eat. I worked ridiculous hours that messed with my metabloism, and I ate simply to stay awake at some point on most days. The summer after we were married I topped out at 225 I believe, and realized I had to make a change. I started journalling my food again and got down to 202 in about 3 months. I joined Weight Watchers and 6 months later I broke the 170 mark on the scale for the first time since sometime in junior high. I was getting frustrated with Weight Watchers by then tho, first of all because as I lost weight I got to eat less and less and I was at the point where I truely felt like I wasn't getting enough food. I was training to walk a marathon and desperately hungry all the time. Plus, my goal weight was 150 (I'm only 5'4") and I didn't think I'd ever actually get there seeing as that was my weight when I was 10 years old. So, I decided to save the money each week and I quit.
I stopped tracking my food, but I continued with my exercise. I gained about 5 lbs back pretty quickly, but it stopped there. Until I got pregnant.
Now, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't give up my fantastic daughter to be thinner, but the thought of having to loose it all over again is daunting.
After my ankle surgery I joined Weight Watchers again, but as a nursing mother the points system didn't work for me at all. First of all, the numbers were completely arbitrary- if I ate everything I was allowed to I would gain a lot of weight. So, since I was getting essentially no guidance, I quit again. I started exercising again on a regular basis, and decided to do a triathlon. The training was successful, I didn't loose as much weight as I was hoping with it but I did make huge gains in my fitness level. I successfully completed in the first weekend in October. A month or so later, I became pregnant with our second child.
This pregnancy has been much better on the weight gain side- so far I'm only at 25lbs and I'm 8 months along. However, I started this pregnancy almost 30 lbs heavier than I started the last one and that's causing some problems- for one thing, my joints hurt. Secondly, the high blood pressure problems I had during my first pregnancy are multiplied by the fact that my weight is so much higher this time (no one has medically confirmed that for me, but it just seems to make common sense.) So even as I'm planning for this baby to come out and how life with two kids and two jobs is going to look, I'm also planning for how I'm going to loose this weight. All of it. I had some really cute clothes before I got pregnant with Lily and I want to get back into them. Or something similar. I'm not unrealistic about my body type- a body that has had a baby is not the same as one that hasn't. Unless there is surgery involved, but I don't have that kind of money.
Except that she used to be fine with it. And we've lived in this house for 2 weeks now, it's not all that new. It shouldn't be so scary for her anymore. She just thinks she's missing something if we're not there with her.
Knowing that doesn't make me feel like any less of a bad mom though.
My goals for this week
2) Eat no more than 2 meals out (I'm not counting lunch today, but I'm not giving myself a get out of jail free card for Tuesday and Wednesday either).
3) Walk at least 3 days for at least 30 min- this is harder than it sounds 8 months pregnant when the highs are in the 80s and 90s all week.
4) Get up at least 2 mornings and either swim or do yoga.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
June 13
Is it weird that I only wash my hair about once a week? Shouldn't my body produce more oil than that? I've heard that the oil production on your head is dictated by the amount that you wash- the more you wash the more oil you produce and vice versa. That might be true, because i had cut back to washing every 2 days, then 3, now it's really like once or twice a week. It might also be because I'm not exercising much, when I was getting all sweaty and gross I think I needed to wash it more.
Who is this blog for? What is the point? It's definately for me to "journal" in, but do I want it to do any more? I don't think so. My pilatesformommies blog is definately for a wider audiance, but I don't really care if anyone ever reads this one. Actually, I probobly prefer if they don't. I guess I could make it private, I don't really want to do that either though, I'm not sure why. If it was private I could not sensor myself at all, I do to a certain extent now but it's not all that serious.
I don't know what to do about work. Pilates work I mean. Now I'm sensoring myself. Interesting how I just typed about not doing that and then moved on to a topic where I feel it's neccissary.
Austin is moving so much- he's a lot more active than I remember Lily being. I asked Chris last night if I was this uncomfortable with Lily and he said I was, I just don't remember it. I guess that means I'll forget how uncomfortable I am now too. I don't remember what labor pain was like at all, which is fine, except that I'm starting to get scared of it again.
I hope we can finish getting the house put away today. That would be amazing!
Friday, June 12, 2009
June 12
Or at least a nice long nap.
I'm definately a "dive into it" person when I get to work, which makes it hard to keep the commitment to do morning pages here. I'm also the mother of a 1 year old though, and that makes it nearly impossible to do them at home. Yes, I could get up earlier and try to do it before she gets up, but I'm 8 months pregnant. I like to sleep.
Speaking I ask Erin if I can take her other class tomorrow, or do I go ahead and give her back the 8am so that I don't have to come in? I can't really take a class, because I can't do anything at this point. I could give myself a lesson, but quite honestly, I don't feel like it. I could use the hour to write, but I could do that at home too. And get my grocery shopping done and my meals planned for the week. But the money would be good for us too.
I'm trying not to be stressed about money, I'm really not sure why I am so stressed at this time. I'm kind of freaking out though. It's just a lot. I don't think it's really sunk in for me yet that the credit cards are paid off, so the bills we get are the bills we get, I'm not going to have to figure out how to pay those and put a significant amount of money towards debt also.
Okay, I need to start work. Off to my day.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I say I want to write...
Right...except that I am afraid. It has taken me a really long time to say this, but I am afraid that if I try to write something it's going to be bad, or at least not nearly as good as everyone thought my writing was when I was in elementary school. I'm also afraid that it will be really good, because what will that mean for me and my life. Will I be able to make a career out of it? I don't know if I can take being really good at another thing and not being able to have a career doing it (like Pilates). I don't think I can add a third job along with my second child.
Can I put another thing on my to-do list? I have to finish reading the ACE book so I can take the test. Can I read and do any of the other books that I have in my bookshelf?
I really wish I could make a living doing what I want to do...but I am afraid to make a leap. We can't afford it right now with two kids and a new house.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
May 20
What I realized last night is that I really want to write. Everything else I do is perifrial- I want to write but I can't spell- anyway- I love Pilates but I'd like to write about it. My favorite days at work on when I get to draft things. That was my favorite thing to do at Million Man, Alabaster, all of my internships, etc. I love to write. I always have, ever since I was a little kid. But I'm scared. What if I'm really bad at it? I know I'm really bad at the follow-through part of it, but I think that's really all just born out of a fear of failure. What is keeping me from writing a book? Eating and watching TV basically.
At the new house I'll have an office. I can be in there working while Chris is in the family room watching TV. I can be close to my family but doing my own thing. I bought a computer so I could do this for heaven's sakes. I have great ideas, I'm good at getting my ideas down on paper, just not good at developing them. When did I get so shot down????? I don't remember ever having my writing critisized in a bad way. Even Mr. Brown, who was always negative, gave me good feedback. I've been published multiple times. Why am I not doing this?
I have had the article for Pilates Digest done for over 6 months and haven't sent it. Why? I don't know. Why don't I want to be published? Why am I sabatoging myself so much?
My time is almost up, I was really hoping that this would just cause some answers to flow out of my fingers but it's not happening. Maybe I should go back and re-do the creativity circle again. I have all of the information and assignments, it would be a good kick in the pants to get going. I could also work through some of the other books I bought. I need to just get going. I will become involved with the writers meet up before Austin is born. In June, after the move, I will make the time for myself to go, even though I will probobly only be able to go once before he comes. At least it's a start.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
May 19
1) Call utility companies for McMahan
2) Call utility companies for Gardendale
3) Research Seating
4) Pick day for ACE test
5) Exercise (I'm committed to doing this on my lunch break again. I was going to lift weights, but I forgot to bring shoes, so I'll swim).
I wish I had some clearer direction and was more content. I don't hate this job in any way shape or form, but I'm not as happy with the rest of my life as I was when I worked here before. I feel like I'm constantly playing catch up. Maybe it's a new mom thing that I'll get used to. Maybe I need more friends to help me through it. I think it'll be better after we move and I have Austin, when I can stay up a bit later at night to spend time with Chris and I'm not so exhausted every day that I feel like I don't have any fun with Lily. I'm also excited to wear normal clothes again.
All of this, and I am terrified that this baby is going to come too soon. I feel guilty saying I'm uncomfortable and that I'm tired of wearing maternity clothes (or not, I just don't want to go buy any more. I wonder if all of my shirts are going to look funny after my belly is gone.)
Monday, May 18, 2009
May 18
I'm downloading a podcast that was posted a bit later than it normally is so I didn't get it on my home computer. I love my iPhone. I think I just got stuck in iTunes Store never never land though. The other thing about the iPhone is the Genius Playlist capability, the only problem is about half of my music came from Chris and isn't the final mastered version so it's not recognized. Oh well... I don't know why music can so dictate my ability to work (or journal, as it may be.)
I spent most of the weekend frustrated, feeling like I have no idea how I'm going to do this job and teach Pilates and have any chance at any sort of life after Austin is born. This is the job I would like to give up, but I don't make enough money teaching Pilates to put the kids in daycare, so the choice is do that and make enough money but never ever see my husband, or do this and just do a little of that on the side. There is a new, very upscale development next to Franklin Green that I may see if has a gym or fitness center- I could start out with weekly mat classes and maybe progress up to buying some equipment...I don't know how it would work exactly but it seems like a great idea. Plus they are building an elementary school, I could start a Pilates in the Schools program in Williamson County maybe...there are a lot of possiblilies, the only problem is the cash (or lack there of).
We went through the garage yesterday, I told Chris I'm a bit worried we didn't find more to get rid of. I don't know if it's because we are being pack rats, or if it's because we already got rid of so much. He assures me we've already gotten rid of it and that's why it's not there.
I need to do a headshot tonight so I can submit my article for Pilates Digest. I also need to get an idea list together and start writing more often. I spend a lot of time watching TV when I could be doing other things to further my goals. Plus, I like to sleep. I know I need to stock up because after Austin is born I won't get any for a while, but still. How in the heck am I going to go back to work full time when he's just 4 weeks old? I know it's at home for 2 weeks, but still, I will need to sleep. I don't know, I guess I need to just quit worrying about it and just see how it plays out.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 12
We sold the bookcase yesterday to two really nice cops. Oddly, they weren't cops that had ever been to the fire department by our house though, they were undercover and in the gang unit. Although it's odd to me that they would tell me they work under cover. The guy's name was Mike and in a lot of ways (speach, mannerisms) he reminded me a lot of Mike. It really kind of creeped me out.
I was only going to write for 10 min but I just ended up on the phone with Chris for 5 so I guess I have another 5 to go. He really frustrates me sometimes, he won't articulate his thoughts in any understandable manner and just sounds upset all the time. This move has been really stressful for both of us, but I think he's bearing the brunt of it because he ends up being the one to go home most often, he has a more flexible job. Plus, I was gone all last week, I have to be at work during certian hours, etc.
I'm really not feeling well today at all. I have a cough, I'm really tired, I just want to sleep. Maybe I should just go home and rest and then work from there for a while, I don't know. I just really feel yucky. I thought I could ignore it, but it's not working.
Speaking of working, I better get to it.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Good Mother's Day
I'm thinking about starting to do a form of morning pages again, possibly through this blog. That is risky because I'm putting it out there then, and I might sensor myself which defeats the purpose of the morning pages. But, then again, I don't know that anyone actually reads this besides me, it may just be my portable journal.
Friday, April 17, 2009
And today is his birthday, so I'm not allowed to be mad at him. I have to go to lunch with him. I don't want to. I'm tired. I'm tired of doing everything. I'm tired of not being able to have a conversation with him because he just pretends to listen, doesn't really give any feedback.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Notes from Listening to Oprah's Podcast
WHY am I going to be doing this
WHO am I going to be working with
WHAT am I going to be doing
Join b/c why, stay b/c who, quit b/c of what.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My birthing years 1
Have you heard of the quarter-life-crisis? I was in the midst of one. I had just begun a new job, seemingly my dream job as the Executive Assistant to the President of a record label that I had been hoping to work at for the past 6 years. I had been married for a year and a half and we were just finally starting to find a balance between my husbands all consuming career and my all consuming need for attention. I was training to walk a marathon, thus the knee problems and the visit to the orthepedist.
My Executive Assistant position was the 4 job I had had in the past 3 years. I had gone from basically being the accounting department for a small company that the owner was essentially stealing money from to the office manager of a start up company, where I quit 4 weeks in because the owner began taking money from the company for personal expenses. I then spent a few months unemployed and bored out of my mind trying to figure out a way to have a career in writing. Exploring going back to school, trying to find a way to free lance- this was before I knew about blogs and the power the can have. After realizing I was going crazy without some structure in my life, I finally got a job adminstered scholarships. I didn't love the job, but other than a few co-workers who I really didn't like, it was fine. I made good money, I lost 50 lbs because I started exercising and joined weight watchers. I was pretty happy, and when I found out about the label job I actually declined to apply for it until the 3rd time my pastor pulled me aside and said "Amanda, you REALLY should apply for this job."
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thankfulness and Appreciation
Friday, January 30, 2009
Lucky to be a mom
Sunday, January 11, 2009
1 cup oat flower
3/4 cup old fashioned rolled oats
1/2tsp baking powder
1/3 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2cup raw sugar or honey
1/3 cup canola oil
1/3 cup plain soy milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 ripe banana, chopped
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
1/3 cup semi sweet vegan chic chips
Heat oven to 350. Mix 1st 6 ingredients. Wisk together oil, milk,and
vanilla in a seperate bowl, stir into dry mixture. Fold in banana,
nuts and chic chips. Cook for 25 min.
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, January 5, 2009
Why do I keep gaining weight, even as I eat less and less and exercise more and more. Why don't my pants fit, I'm not supposed to be showing yet.
Why does my company continue to employ people who are not doing their jobs? Why do I have to go back and forth, back and forth before anything gets done?