Sunday, January 31, 2010
Update on January Goals
Here's how I ended up:
Complete one entire writing project. Finished it today. Not ready to share though.
Participate in a writing workshop either online or in person.
Revised: Instead of doing the workshop, I found several that I will be participating in this year.
Enter at least one writing contest.
Have an artist date per month. Actually got away to write more than once! Thanks Chris!
Write every day. May not have been a lot, but it was done!
Write 10 query letters. Wrote 10 agent queries today that I will be sending out early this week (to avoid weekend inbox build-up.
Print 12 photographs and display in house. I printed them, but have yet to display them.
Complete The Pilates Lifestyle book proposal. WooHoo!!!! Starting to query agents this week!
Will work on February goals sometime this week, have a big deadline at work tomorrow so I doubt I will get them up right away. Going to go a little easier on myself, this was a bit much.
Friday, January 29, 2010
It's Snowing!
It's snowing!!!!!
Sorry about my absence this week, but I have been diligently working on my goals and am happy to report that I can cross another off my list- I have finished my book proposal! My mom, aunt and husband now all have copies to comment on and mark up. My 10 query letters will be written this weekend and sent to possible agents. I'm so excited!
There are quite a few of the goals that I may not meet this month, considering there are only 2 days left, but we'll see. I may need to be a bit less ambitious in the next few months as work picks up.
Off to enjoy the snow!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Appliachian Trail
Amanda Moon
I'm Not Happy
I'm not going to go into it all, but let's just say that the past six months have not been easy for me or my family. And I don't get enough sleep, or anything that resembles enough sleep. Those things put together are overwhelming me to the point where I took yesterday off of work because I couldn't take it anymore.
I don't feel like I'm spending too much time obsessing over things in the past that I can't change, but I also don't feel like the terrible-ness is not over yet. And I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. All the time. It's a crappy way to live.
If you could keep me and my family in your prayers, we would appreciate it. Feel free to share any resources you have that you think might help!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I could fall off my chair

I'm so tired today I could fall off my chair. Literally, just fall over and fall asleep.
Austin has not slept at all the last two nights. He's been stuffy, irratable, won't eat...yep, he's TEETHING! Two new teeth in the last three days, one on top, one on the bottom. Hopefully now that they are fully through the skin he will start to sleep.
The eating has been weird, because he doesn't typically like to eat from a spoon, but lately if it's not on a spoon (if it's in a bottle) he is just not interested. From 3pm yesterday to 9 am this morning he drank a total of 8 oz. And that's because we made him. But when i tried to feed him cereal this morning he wolfed it down like his usual incredible eater-self.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Daily Intention & Thanks
Monday, January 18, 2010
Today I'm thankful for
- Kids who don't mind throwing up.
- A job that lets me work from home so I don't have to use up my vacation time because kids are sick
- My computer
- My roller
- My husband
- Exercise
Friday, January 15, 2010
Floating Leaves
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Today, I am thankful for breakfast
Today, my intention is peace. I need some calm in my head and I am the only one that can acccomplish that.
I am thankful for:
- Cuddling with Lily this morning when I got home from the gym and it was too early for her to get up
- The quiet in the house as I flat ironed my hair
- The joy of jelly toast for a 2 year old
- My husband, who graciously gets up in the middle of the night with our kids so that I can have the energy to get up really early and exercise.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Cross one off the list!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
This is how I started my day
I will check my body bug in a bit to see exactly how much work I did, but I know that this (at least right now) can't replace my normal morning cardio. I'll have to get to the gym at another point today or get outside and go for a walk on my lunch break. But it could definitely become my strength regimen. I'm shaking.
---Oh, and in case you're wondering, yes, I did do some Pilates too- but I wouldn't call what I did Yogalates or Piloga- I did yoga, then I did Pilates. I didn't try to mix the two. Too much thinking before the coffee.'s where I'm headed. Have a great day!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Goals for January
In January I will:
Complete one entire writing project.
Participate in a writing workshop either online or in person.
Enter at least one writing contest.
Have an artist date per month.
Write every day.
Write 10 query letters.
Print 12 photographs and display in house.
Complete The Pilates Lifestyle book proposal.
Goals for 2010
I complete one entire writing project each month.
I participate in a writing workshop either online or in person.
I enter at least one writing contest every month
I have one artist date per month.
I write every day.
I write 10 query letters per month
By 1/15/2010 I Print 12 photographs and display in house
By 1/31/2010 The Pilates Lifestyle book proposal is complete
By 2/1/2010 The Pilates Lifestyle blog begins with one post per weekday
By 2/28/2010 I have completed a “Best of” series of photographs
By 3/1/2010 My Etsy store is up and running with 10 pieces
By 4/1/2010 The Pilates Lifestyle book is complete.
By 5/15/2010 The Staircase Story is finished and published
By 6/1/2010 I have 1 paying writing gig per month
By 6/1/2010 The Book of Ruth is complete.
By 7/1/2010 I have samples of my clothing line made that I can work out in.
By 10/1/2010 I have a exhibited my photos.
By 12/31/2010 I have exhibited at a craft show/arts fair/farmer's market
By 12/31/2010 I have had three meetings with potential investors/sales for clothing line.
By 3/1/2011 My clothing line is for sale.
Needs Vs. Wants
But...I will admit that I still want to go to the mall and buy a pair of knee high brown boots. I never claimed to be perfect.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Book Review: The Sweet By and By by Sara Evans and Rachel Hauck

5 Stars -- Refreshing Read!
The Sweet By and By
is the story of a woman being forced to deal with her past before moving on to her future. Jade Freedom Fitzgerald is finally getting ready for the life she dreamed of- a marriage to a man who made her feel safe and loved, feelings she didn’t experience from her high achieving judge father or galavanting hippie mother. She and fiance Max made an agreement “The past is the past.” Unfortunately, the past doesn’t always remain in the past.
The Sweet By and By
is incredibly well written with engaging characters that you find yourself rooting for and identifying with, with a story that weaves past and present together seamlessly. It’s one of those books that makes you feel good when you read it. There are no huge surprises in the story, at the same time it isn’t utterly predicable. The spiritual theme is naturally incorporated into the story line without feeling forced or contrived.

Monday, January 4, 2010
Between Sleep and Awake
This morning, in the 9 minutes between my snoozes, I had a dream about the people in my dreams. I dreamed I was on a subway, or some sort of silver train, and there were all of these people that I knew or that I had interacted with recently and they were all just sitting, staring at me, waiting for me to "cast" them in my dream. There were real people, and people who were a blend of people. Some faces I could see, some I just sensed who they were.
My husband doesn't remember his dreams. Do you remember yours?
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Breakfast with my book

On Sundays, I like to cook breakfast for my family. Usually it's pancakes, but this morning I was feeling the waffles. So, with just over an hour before we needed to leave for church, I whipped some up. The problem with whipping up breakfast with so little time is that everyone needs to eat as the waffles come off the griddle, leaving the cook to eat alone. Never fear though, I had a great book to read! (And yes, that is peanut butter on my waffles. I like peanut butter on waffles, pancakes and french toast. You can thank my dad for introducing me.)
Look what was in my yard!