Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Day Jitters

I had a terrible morning today but quite a nice evening and night. I taught a wonderful couple a very fun Pilates lesson, and was told that my lessons have helped lesson the need for chiropractic care! Then I came home and played with my kids, put them to bed, and painted. After sitting down with a glass of wine and a bowl of perfectly browned popcorn to read, an idea for a children's book hit me. I raced to my computer and shot out the first draft. Very excited to look at it tomorrow and see if I still like it.

I'm on a creative high right now, and would love to stay up, watch The Rachel Zoe Project or Project Runway, and make a bunch of new jewelry. But, I must fight the urge, because tomorrow is my first day of school. I am enrolled in The Writer's Loft at MTSU and could not be more excited. This is the first big step I've taken in my writing since college, and the first time ever I've invested real money it in (besides buying this computer.) I'm like a 5 year old the day before kindergarten- I want to sleep in my clothes I'm so excited!

**Photo from Design*Sponge. Click here to make your own notebooks!

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