Photo from here
I love eggplant. My husband and kids though, not so much. So the fact that we've gotten 5 eggplants in the last two weeks from our CSA was a bit perplexing, because, while I like me some eggplant parm, I don't have the time to make or eat 5 eggplants worth of the stuff, and it's not such a good freeze and reheat meal.
Google to the rescue!
Tonight I made Roasted Eggplant and Feta Dip (click here for full recipe) to eat tomorrow with my homemade bruschetta and french bread (yes, I made that too.) We picked up some goat cheese n on Saturday and I've been looking forward to this meal since then.
The best part about all of these recipes is that none of them required more than about 10 minutes of hands on time, and man oh man do they taste good. Plus, all can be eaten for both meals and snacks, and most of the ingredients came either from my garden, my CSA or the Franklin Farmer's Market. It doesn't get much better than this for fresh, local food in September.
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