Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Great Day

I got up and went for a run. My coffee tastes good and I have my inspirational coffee cup. I'm pregnant but my pants fit today (they didn't yesterday) and I have my cute red shoes on. Plus, I'm having a fantastic hair day. Life is good!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm baaaaack...

Wow- it's been nearly 5 months since my last post. I will try to either start updating this on a more regular basis, or I will just close it.

My teaching at the studio has really picked up. I'm quite busy now, but that leaves me less and less time to work for myself. All of my projects seem to live "on hold." This week I have vowed to dust off the goals for the year, re-assess them, and make an action plan to complete them. The good news is, I am almost back to under 200 lbs and loosing my baby weight by October 16 seems like it is still a doable goal!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Like flies to honey...

Why is it that I seem to invite shady people like flies to honey? I'm honest and hardworking, and I expect and assume those around me are too. I keep finding out just a minute too late that I am wrong. How can I improve my ability to judge character?

I've prayed many times for discernment, I wonder why I'm not receiving this gift. I'm sure God is trying to hand it to me, but for some reason I'm just not getting it.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


I love my baby. She is beautiful and fabulous, and overall, really easy to take care of. Last night, when I was trying to put her to bed I was nursing her and singing to her, and she stopped nursing, looked and me, smiled and started singing with me. It was the sweetest thing! But, then she wouldn't go to sleep last night, we finally brought her into our bed at around midnight- her bedtime is 8:30, so 3 1/2 hours of rocking/singing/feeding later, we don't believe the cry it out method is good for any babies, especially not one that's not even three months old yet. She didn't sleep well last night, cried on and off a lot, even in bed with us, woke up at 3 and we didn't get her back to sleep until after 4. She's been crabby this morning too- I tried to take her to weight watchers with me (for the second time this week, but that's a whole nother story) and had to leave right after I got there because she wouldn't stop crying- I couldn't get her to nurse, nothing. I knew she was just too tired, but still, I hate hearing her scream like that. And I feel bad for interrupting the meeting. I know I need to get used to it- be sensitive to other people, but the child is going to cry as her main form of communication for the next 6 or so months, so...